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Elbow Pain Treatment Chiropractor in Surat

Tennis Elbow

Golfer’s Elbow


Managing elbow pain without medication or surgery involves a range of non-invasive strategies. Here are some approaches you can consider

1. Rest:

Allow your elbow time to rest, avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain.

2. Ice Therapy:

Apply ice packs to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation. Be sure to use a cloth or towel to protect your skin.

3. Compression:

Using a compression bandage can help control swelling without restricting blood flow excessively.

4. Elevation:

Elevate the affected arm to reduce swelling, especially when resting or sleeping.

5. Physical Therapy:

A physical therapist can guide you through exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles around the elbow, improving flexibility and reducing pain.

6. Bracing or Splinting:

Using a brace or splint can provide support to the elbow joint, limiting movement and reducing strain.

7. Joint Protection Techniques:

Learn and practice proper ergonomics and body mechanics to minimize stress on the elbow during daily activities.

8. Gentle Stretching Exercises:

Perform gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility in the elbow joint and surrounding muscles.

9. Strengthening Exercises:

Gradually incorporate resistance exercises to strengthen the muscles around the elbow, promoting stability.

10. Ultrasound Therapy:

Some physical therapy clinics offer ultrasound therapy, which uses sound waves to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation.

11. Heat Therapy:

Applying a warm compress or taking a warm shower can help relax muscles and alleviate stiffness.

12. Acupuncture:

Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body and may offer relief for some individuals with elbow pain.

13. Massage Therapy:

Soft tissue massage can help reduce muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the affected area.

14. Taping:

Kinesiology tape or athletic tape can be applied to provide additional support and reduce strain on the elbow.

15. Avoiding Triggering Activities:

Identify and limit activities that worsen your elbow pain, especially repetitive or strenuous motions.

Types of Elbow Pain

Elbow pain can manifest in various ways, and the type of pain can provide insights into the underlying causes. Here are some common types of elbow pain


Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Description: Pain on the outer side of the elbow, often exacerbated by gripping or lifting.
Causes: Repetitive use of the forearm and wrist, common in activities like tennis or typing.

Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

Description: Pain on the inner side of the elbow, worsened by flexing or gripping..
Causes: Overuse of the wrist and fingers, common in golf and other repetitive gripping activities.

Olecranon Bursitis

Description:Swelling, redness, and pain at the back of the elbow..
Causes: Inflammation of the bursa, often due to trauma or prolonged pressure on the elbow.

Radial Tunnel Syndrome

Description: Deep, aching pain on the outer side of the forearm and elbow.
Causes: Compression or irritation of the radial nerve.

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome)

Description: Tingling, numbness, or pain along the inner side of the forearm and little finger.
Causes: Compression or irritation of the ulnar nerve, often aggravated by prolonged bending of the elbow.


Description: Gradual onset of pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion in the elbow joint...
Causes: Wear and tear on the joint over time.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Description: Symmetrical pain, swelling, and stiffness in multiple joints, including the elbows..
Causes: Autoimmune condition affecting the joints.

Triceps Tendinitis

Description: Pain and inflammation in the back of the elbow.
Causes: Overuse or strain of the triceps tendon.

Elbow Sprain or Strain

Description: Pain and swelling due to overstretching or tearing of ligaments or muscles. .
Causes: Acute injuries, falls, or sudden impacts.

Radial Head Fracture

Description:Pain, swelling, and limited range of motion, often after a fall.
Causes: Fracture of the radial head, typically from a direct impact on the elbow.
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